We are a company that evolves with the times. That’s why we take a special interest in the technical advances in construction and environmental demands based on circular economy principles.
Our specific ISO 14001 procedures serve to reinforce this policy.
Our goal is to shift away from the classic production and consumption cycles that are depleting resources and piling up waste. We want to replace this framework as soon as possible with an eco-responsible system that promotes reuse, transformation or recycling of products to extend their life cycle. At SOCATRA, we are building the smart buildings of the future, while aligning with an environmental strategy that has received several distinctions from the Brussels-Capital region.
We are proud to count 3 projects (Project U, AG Campus and Buda) awarded and subsidised by the Brussels Region through its be.exemplary programme, which outlines a detailed charter in terms of energy, eco-construction, profitability and replicability of technical and financial aspects, as well as architectural quality and visibility.
We have continued to grow and innovate, while also adapting to the latest trends and environmental requirements, without compromising the traditional excellence of our works.

Recovering thermal inertia from sewers
This is the first time that this revolutionary procedure using riothermal energy has been applied at this scale on a worksite in Belgium. The technique makes it possible to fulfil one quarter of the energy needs of the 15,000 m² Projet U, a large-scale rehab project for the new Uccle administrative complex.
In collaboration with Vivaqua, we installed heat exchangers inside the newly renovated sewer system, where the thermal inertia of wastewater powers a reversible heat pump to provide heating in winter and cooling in the summer.
This technique represents an innovative and extraordinary experience for our company.

Water transport
In connection with the Bruxelles Propreté recycling centre built near the Buda bridge in Neder-Over-Hembeeck, we opted for water transport on the nearby canal. A third of the worksite’s needs were supplied with no recourse to road transport. With this energy and time efficient means of transport, we are doing our part to limit road traffic in an already crowded neighbourhood and reduce the worksite’s carbon footprint.

Recovery of construction materials
For AG Campus, a green and luminous project in downtown Brussels, we set high standards in terms of recovering resources by working with the Brussels company Rotor DC, specialised in reusing construction materials.
Another aspect common to all three projects led by SOCATRA is the option to adapt these spaces to changing needs or future uses, notably by opting for modular partitions and designing reversible structures for new construction.
For our renovation projects, we have systematically implemented a company policy based on “urban mining”.
We are also taking part in the Build Circular platform led by the Brussels-Capital Region.